As most readers of this blog will know,
I listen to Drew Marshall on a regular basis. In fact, I get email
updates on what's coming up for the next Saturdays broadcast. The
other week nothing really interested me other than the regular
segment called God Blogger. Every week he interviews someone
who blogs on spiritual matters. I like to see who's out there in
case there's someone interesting to follow. So far I haven't really
come across many. Even some that seemed interesting on the show turn
out to be ho-hum: probably like most people think of my blog. The
other day at work things were quite slow, so I looked up the God
Blogger for the next Saturday. He seemed more fundamentalist than I
was prepared to invest any energy into, but one thing led to another
and I ended up looking at material that was actually about one of the
other guests that Saturday.
The other guest was a couple who had
written a book on marriage. The particular article I was reading
contained the 8 tips to a better marriage in their book. It turns out
that the guy had been the pastor of a fairly successful church, but
then he had an affair which ended his ministry, and just about ended
his marriage.
The whole thing got me thinking about a
time many years ago when the Promise Keepers phenomena was just
starting. I went to a couple of events including a very large one in
Minneapolis. There were lots of very dynamic speakers there, but
truth be told, I don't remember very much other than, for some
reason, that there were several on marriage. Most of the marriage
topics went along the lines of, “Once I was an asshole, but I'm not
anymore - let me tell you about it”. Which, if you are an asshole,
should be very enlightening, and maybe even life changing.
For example, one of the speakers told
the story about the time his wife was out of the house and it
suddenly occurred to him to actually pick up the vacuum cleaner and
start helping out around the house. Apparently when his wife came
home she was so shocked and appreciative that they made out right
there on the living room next to the vacuum cleaner. Obviously the
only natural response to this kind of revelation is to go on a
national speaking tour, and maybe write a book - it's all perfectly
You may have picked on the vibe that I
don't care for programs like Promise Keepers, or Forty Days of
Purpose, or, even books like the one that was written by Drew's
guests, and the reason is very simple.
They're all missing the point of
With all the talk, and teaching from
the pulpit, of Jesus being our Saviour so that we can go to heaven
when we die, we've forgotten the point of Christianity. As Peter
Rollins says, the point of Christianity is not about having a life
after death, but a life before death. It's about becoming fully human
in the way that we were originally designed to be. It's about
becoming the new people of God whose purpose is to be a blessing to
the world. It's about following Jesus into a life of self sacrificing
love. If you lack purpose in your life, I would suggest, you haven't
come to know the one true God as incarnated in Christ. The life of
Jesus has given all of us more purpose than any of us can possibly
fulfill in a lifetime. If you call yourself a Christian and you're
having trouble keeping your promises, maybe you need to reevaluate if
you actually believe all that stuff you say you believe. As Gandhi
said, if Christians were to act like Christians the whole world would
be saved in a matter of years.
We don't need Promise Keepers to show
us how to keep promises - we just need to believe that Jesus is
actually Lord. We don't need Forty Days of Purpose to give us
purpose - we just need to do what Jesus told us to. We don't need
books on marriage that tell us how not to be an asshole, that should
be a given if we call ourselves Christians.
If we are the Christians we claim to
be, it's time to start acting like it, or stop calling ourselves
Christians. If we don't, we are denying Christ, the Resurrection, and
trivializing his crucifixion.